Suppose you have 2 drop down lists - A & B
You want to populate the contents of B based on the selection in A
(For example: A = car manufacturer & B = car dealership)
In yourpage.tml
<t:form t:id="createAssetsForm">
<input t:id="selectManufacturer"/>
<input t:id="selectDealer" model="dealerSelection" />
function onManufacturerSelectFunction(response)
var selectDealer = document.getElementById("selectDealer");
// Unload the existing dealers
for (i = selectDealer.length; i != 0; i--) {
// Load the new dealers
for (i=0; i != response.dealers.length; i++){
var option = document.createElement('option');
option.text = response.dealers[i];
try {
selectDealer.add(option,null); // standards compliant
selectDealer.add(option); //IE only
private String manufacturer;
@Component(parameters = {"value=manufacturer", "model=literal:Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Subaru", "event=change",
private Select selectManufacturer;
private String dealer;
@Component(parameters = {"value=dealer"})
private Select selectDealer;
private SelectModel dealerSelection;
@OnEvent(component = "selectManufacturer", value = "change")
public JSONObject onTypeChangeEvent(String selectedManufacturer)
List<String> dealers = new ArrayList<String>();
... code to update dealers based on selectedManufacturer ...
// update the dealer selection
dealerSelection = TapestryInternalUtils.toSelectModel(dealers);
// IF you stop here - then the dealers will be updated only on page refresh!
// To update the dealers by AJAX (without page loading) do the following
// Pass the information to javascript as a JSON array
JSONArray JSONDealers = new JSONArray();
... code to enter the dealer names in the JSONArray ...
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("dealers", JSONDealers);
return json;
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